[4], Slightly below Asgard is Jotunheim, which is inhabited by the Jotuns, also known as the Frost Giants. Of the Ten Realms, four -- Asgard, Alfheim, Nidavellir, and Vanaheim-- are part of the same dimension, located on different regions of the same continent. However, Odin would eventually reach the end of his life, and after an emotional farewell with his sons, he passed on. The Nine Realms were the nine main worlds of the Universe, interconnected through the world tree, Yggdrasil / Tree of Life. Alfheim 9. However, when thousands of years later (present day) a ship full … He mentions to Thor that from his post at his observatory he can see nine realms and ten trillion souls. Over the course of 23 films, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has explored many places both on Earth (like Wakanda) and in space (such as Vormir), as well as other cosmic places, like the Nine Realms. The Nine Realms are a group of distant planets that are interconnected by the cosmic nexus Yggdrasil and are home to various different races and cultures. Hela was killed in the destruction and the Asgardians were now left without a realm to call their own.[6]. 1 +2 cards and -3 threat in exchange for a minion which will likely die from a hammer throw? Located above Asgard is Muspelheim, a world that is bathed entirely in flames and is home to many beasts that manifest from the fires. Odin, the former ruler of Asgard, and his troops act as the protectors of the Nine Realms and even other regions of space. The inhabitants of the realms are mostly associated with each other rather than the other advanced species residing beyond the realms. The Frost Giants have tried to conquer the other realms a number of times, but were thwarted in each attempt by the Asgardians. Asgard Home of the Asgardians. They act as a police force that tries to preserve peace. Reviews. Earlier Norse works (known as Eddic and Skaldic poetry) assume a knowledge of the cosmology and do not bother much with descriptions of locations or, in some cases, even specifics of what the realms were like and, because of this – and the fact that Norse religion had no written scripture – some of the realms are less clear than others. After Hela followed and knocked them out of the bridge, she then arrived on Asgard and slaughtered the army. Hela revived an undead army of Berserkers to assist her in reconquering the Nine Realms but discovered that Hofund, the sword the controlled the Bifrost, was missing. The War of the Nine Realms was a large scale conflict across the Nine Realms that began after the destruction of the Rainbow Bridge, causing the Asgardians to lose their ability to travel the Nine Realms using the Bifrost, preventing them from defending the other realm. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Thor #2-3. They were stopped by the armies of Asgard and they were all assumed to be killed off. 1.3.1 "The Well" 1.3.2 "Repairs" 1.3.3 "T.R.A.C.K.S." The Nine Realms are nine realms bound and connected by the branches of the cosmic World Tree. Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Resource: Hero Action (thwart): Discard cards from the top of the encounter deck until you discard a minion. Earth, where humanityresides, is one of th… In the MCU the 'Nine Realms' are nine major planetary bodies that are aperiodically interconnected via a series of portals and traversable via the Bifrost. Wikis. Wiki Content. Cost: 0. Category:Nine Realms | Marvel/DC Fanfiction Wikia | Fandom. The nine main Realms are: 1. Svartalfheim 6. Alfheim - Home of the Light Elves. The Asgardians produced a sister race which settled on the planet Vanaheim, and are referred to as the Vanir. The Asgardians preside and watch over not only the Nine Realms, but other planets too. The Nine Realms in the MCU are based on Norse Mythology. Defender of the Nine Realms. : Slingshot Locations, Luma Pictures Delivers Extensive VFX for Thor: The Dark World, https://marvelcinematicuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Nine_Realms?oldid=1231908. Therefore, many species of the Nine Realms have had history of contact with species and civilizations from beyond the Nine Realms.