Die schwarze Mamba ist ein Thriller aus dem Jahr 1981 von Tobe Hooper und Piers Haggard mit Klaus Kinski, Oliver Reed und Nicol Williamson. Eine namibische Eierschlange räumt ein Taubennest aus. This FAQ is empty. R Lindsay. A police detective suddenly shows up at her door. (1981). Teenager Melissa moves into a small town filled with racial prejudice and bullying, and each time she meets up with one of the boys in town, they end up murdered - but who is the killer? Schauspieler: Klaus Kinski. The plan goes awry after the boy mistakenly receives a highly aggressive, super-poisonous black mamba (originally intended for a research facility), which kills one of the conspirators and transforms the attempted kidnapping into a tense armed standoff. Use the HTML below. 7 of 8 people found this review helpful. Da Philips wohlhabende Mutter verreist ist, passt Großvater Howard auf den Jungen auf. Die vermutlichen Lieblingsfilme der Promis ;), GoodFellas - Drei Jahrzehnte in der Mafia, SpongeBob Schwammkopf: Eine schwammtastische Rettung, Horror und Sci-Fi bei Amazon Prime: Die besten 28 Filme der Woche, Sci-Fi, Action und Horror bei Netflix: Alle 25 neuen Filme und Serien der Woche, Spider-Man 3: Diese Schurken-Rückkehr klingt unglaublich - ist aber realistisch. A tense evening is had by all as the snake creeps around the house picking off the various characters one by one. Their plan comes unstuck when, a deadly Black Mamba sent by mistake instead of a harmless snake, escapes, and the terrorists and several hostages are trapped in the boy's London home. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Soon after the Lloyds leave, a series of frightening occurrences in the gloomy old... See full summary ». Der unverhoffte Charme des Geldes. facebook facebookMessenger whatsapp twitter mail pocket. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. As Will Smith joins the cast of "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" for a reunion on HBO Max, we take a look at his rise to fame. Kommentare. Title: March 28th Blu-ray & DVD Releases Include Wishmaster Collection, A Monster Calls, June 28th Blu-ray & DVD Releases Include Return Of The Killer Tomatoes. Durch die hervorragenden Darsteller und das dicht gepackte Drehbuch bleibt der Film bis zum Ende hin spannend und ist … Details. Nervenaufreibender britischer Thriller, dem trotz prominenter Besetzung keine glaubhafte Figurenzeichnung gelingt. Their plan comes unstuck when, a deadly Black Mamba sent by mistake instead of a harmless snake, escapes, and the terrorists and several hostages are trapped in the boy's London home. Nicol Williamson - Portrait of a Mercurial Talent. Two English domestics (Reed and George), along with an international criminal (Kinski), conspire to kidnap their wealthy employers' ten-year-old son. Even though this film is called "Venom" and features a snake, this is no "creature feature." Written by EMI Elstree Studios, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, England, UK, The Best TV Shows About Being in Your 30s. Doch hinter dem gepflegten Vorgarten und dem vornehmen Eingangsportal schlägt das Grauen doppelt zu: Drei Verbrecher wollen den Sohn eines Industriellenehepaares entführen, gleichzeitig müssen die Kidnapper aber auch gegen die gefährlichste Schlange auf Erden, die schwarze Mamba, kämpfen, die der kleine Junge statt einer … Auf abenteuerlichen Reisen durch Namibia wurden die Filmautoren von Schlangenexperten begleitet. A box-office flop in its day, American audiences were probably turned off by the film's stodgy English production values and thanks to a misleading advertising campaign probably felt duped once they realized it wasn't a killer snake movie. Eine perfekt geplante Kindesentführung scheitert an einer zufällig anwesenden Giftschlange, die alle Bösewichter nacheinander zur Strecke bringt. A woman's lover poisons her cruel husband, a rich businessman, in front of her. Komplette Handlung und Informationen zu Die schwarze Mamba With Klaus Kinski, Oliver Reed, Nicol Williamson, Sarah Miles. Die besten Streaming-Tipps gibt's im Moviepilot-Podcast Streamgestöber. Der Versuch scheitert und die Kidnapper müssen sich im Haus verbarrikadieren. Aneinandergereihte Schockeffekte müssen die fehlende Spannungsdramaturgie ersetzen. Highly recommended. Young babysitter Amanda arrives at the Lloyd residence to spend the evening looking after their young son. View production, box office, & company info. A teenage girl whose inaction caused her mother's death arranges a similarly gruesome fate for her stepmother and brother. International terrorists attempt to kidnap a wealthy couples child. Looking for something to watch? Was this review helpful to you? Die Schwarze Mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) ist mit einer durchschnittlichen Länge von etwa 2,50 Metern und einer Maximallänge von über 4,50 Metern die längste Giftschlange Afrikas. Schauplatz: Eine Londoner Villengegend in bester Lage. International terrorists attempt to kidnap a wealthy couples child. Vorstellungen. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Powered by JustWatch. Die schwarze Mamba. Add the first question. Highlights im Film: Eine Begegnung auf Leben und Tod: Menschen treffen auf eine zum Angriff bereite Schwarze Mamba. A rural farming community is plagued by a series of brutal rapes and murders, which a doctor and a journalist attempt to unravel after authorities find themselves bereft of clues. A singer holes up at a sinister estate to write new songs for his act. Ein fataler Fehler, denn Philips Schlange bricht aus, und tötet einen nach dem anderen. A group of teenagers fear for their lives in the swamps of Louisiana, chased by Mr. Jangles, a man possessed by 13 evil souls, and now relentless in his pursuit of new victims. The Laundromat – Die Geldwäscherei. „Die Schwarze Mamba“ schafft mit einfachen Mitteln das, was andere Filme mit viel aufwändigerer Produktion nicht schaffen: Spannung erzeugen. Der Gangster Jacmel, das Hausmädchen Louise und der Chauffeur Dave wollen den Jungen entführen. A gigantic serpent is captured on a remote island and shipped to an American college for experimentation. Spektakuläre Filmbilder zeigen eine Schwarze Mamba bei der Jagd. Directed by Piers Haggard. The Kitchen - Queens Of Crime. Film Krimi. Für diesen Film gibt es leider keine Vorstellungen. A man who runs an apartment house for women is the demented son of a Nazi surgeon who has the house equipped with secret passageways, hidden rooms and torture and murder devices. VENOM (1982) ***½ Klaus Kinski, Oliver Reed, Nicol Williamson, Sarah Miles, Susan George. A tense evening is had by all as the snake creeps around the house picking off the various characters one by one. Still, a strong script and Kinski and Reed's explosive performances make this a powerful thriller. Ähnliche Filme . The ghost of his murdered wife begins to haunt him, then the person who actually killed her shows up at the mansion. Als ein Sonderkommando das Haus umstellt, droht die Situation zu eskalieren. Terrorists in the process of kidnapping a child get trapped in a house with an extremely deadly snake. A wild animal attacks people trapped in a large tower. Die schwarze Mamba - der Film - Inhalt, Bilder, Kritik, Trailer, Kinostart-Termine und Bewertung | cinema.de Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. She becomes more terrified when she finds the lover dead as well. Venom Terrorists in the process of kidnapping a child get trapped in a house with an extremely deadly snake.