Also important to note is that there are diminishing returns with framerates. We’ve been taking a look at the game’s requirements and what’s out there at this point in time and have come up with this list. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with playing a game at a casual level and not caring about framerates and gaining a competitive edge. For that reason we don’t recommend going for the absolute budget tiers of components. Also bleibe bis zum Ende dran, um nichts zu verpassen._________________________________________Musik: - __________________________________________LINKS:- Meine Maus: Mein Headset: MEDIA:Instagram: Spaß beim zuschauen!Fortnite 2017 Millions of gamers hop on that bus every single week to try and get the coveted Victory Royale so if you want to best all those rivals you’ll want to make sure you’re performing at your best. Diese PC’s sind dafür da das du einen sehr guten Gaming PC hast, mit dem du nicht nur Fortnite spielen kannst sondern viele weitere Titel und auch noch z.B dabei Streamen kannst. So optimiert ihr eure Grafikeinstellungen und Steuerung für mehr Spielleistung und Präzision. In order to eliminate those barriers it’s important that you’ve got a good gaming PC that can run Fortnite without any hiccups. If you’re not someone who wants to game with your graphics at high and you can stomach lowering a couple of ingame settings here and there you can definitely look towards our second build though, which will also ensure 240+ frames per second if you drop a couple of settings. That’s where we come in. Whatever the reason may be: we’ve listed up three alternatives for people who are not so keen on building their own system. Also üben Sie das bauen, damit … Diese Einstellung ist für Taube Menschen gedacht, doch immer mehr Pro Spieler benutzen diese Einstellung. Taube Inserat spielt schön mit manuellen Rennen Datenimport. We say ‘lower tier’ but that almost sounds as if this system makes a lot of compromises and that’s really not the case. If you don’t have a (nearly) unlimited budget or you’re not someone who wants the latest and greatest it’s definitely fine to go for a lower tier system. In diesem Video zeige ich dir-Die BESTEN Editier Einstellungen für Pc Spieler. With this build you’re guaranteed to run the game at 240+ frames per second (provided you drop some of the extremely heavy video settings, otherwise it’s pretty much impossible to reach these frames) and it will also allow you to run pretty much all of the newest games at high settings without any trouble at all. We are aware that this does cost a pretty penny to say the least, so if you’re not prepared to fork over the cash to go for a top tier build we would definitely recommend to see if you can fit a 144Hz build. This system obviously isn’t the most powerful PC you can build but it’s a great system for people who want to play a bunch of (competitive) shooters at higher framerates without sacrificing performance, and you can definitely play newer and more graphically intense releases if you’re willing to drop some ingame settings with this PC. Fortnite is one of those rare games that has become a cultural phenomenon, and while the absolutely unprecedented heights of the game’s popularity might be in the past it’s still without a shadow of a doubt one of the most popular games on the planet. Du kannst Spieldetails, Charaktere, Feinde, Waffeneffekte und vieles mehr sehen, die sich in der ganzen Spielewelt perfekt widerspiegeln. The RTX 2060 Super is one of our favorite cards of last generation due to its great price-performance ratio, and it will serve you well even now that the 3000 series have been released, though you can obviously swap it out for a 3000 card if that’s what you’re after. So ist es auch mit den visualisierten Soundeffekten. Going from a 60Hz monitor to a 144Hz monitor is an absolutely massive step, but going from a 144 to 240Hz isn’t as huge of a difference, so while we definitely recommend going for 240Hz (the difference is still there) if your budget can swing it there’s nothing wrong with opting for a lower tier. Fortnite bietet sowohl im Single- als auch im Multiplayer ein rasantes, buntes Gameplay - die Tastenbelegung zu kennen, ist essentiell, um mithalten zu können. Getting a consistent 240+ frames per second is no easy feat on any modern 3D game so what we’re looking for here is consistent performance and also a bit of future proofing. For that reason we don’t recommend going for the absolute budget tiers of components. This build is very reliable though, ensuring that your frames won’t take a nosedive once you get into a battle with one or multiple other players while lots of things are happening on the screen. It’s indeed quite easy to get the game to run at over 60 frames per second, and 144 frames per second isn’t the most difficult either (relative to some of the other games that we analyze) but getting a consistent 240+ frames per second will require a bit of an investment on the hardware front. If you don’t want any of that you can save a bit of money by dropping the GPU and CPU a tier, and of course you can also go for non-RGB RAM and a 500GB SSD so there are savings to be made here but the system below is one that will ensure that you’re gaming without any worries for years to come so if you’ve got the budget it pays off to think about the future a bit. We’ve got three builds: one ‘all out’ 240Hz build, one 144Hz build, and then one budget build so that you can get a great idea of what you need to build your own system. Ist dies nicht der erste Hinweis darauf, dass die … Fortnite can get pretty hectic during intense fights, and since that’s where you need the frames the most this budget build is perhaps not as budget as you’d have expected. Hinzu kommt, desto vertrauter Sie mit dem Spiel werden, desto schneller merken Sie, das nur Spieler mit sehr guten Bau-Fähigkeiten in diesem Spiel überleben können. Manche davon verschaffen dem Spieler einen Vorteil im Gegensatz zu anderen Spielern. It’s important to realize that the recommended specs for most games aren’t exactly made with high framerates in mind. Fortnite - Die besten Einstellungen für Grafik und Steuerung (PC, PS4, Xbox One). Das Spiel Fortnite bietet viele spielverändernde Settings an. Reflexionen mit Raytracing: Diese Einstellung fügt den Wasserflächen und anderen reflektierenden Oberflächen in Fortnite schöne, realistische und supergenaue Reflexionen hinzu. If you’re not a fan of the Ryzen platform you can just swap out the CPU and motherboard to an Intel build but be aware of the fact that you’ll pay a bit more for the Intel option.