", Engel, Jeffrey A. Il est par la suite chef de liaison en Chine populaire, puis est promu directeur de la CIA en 1976. [261] Perot won 19% of the popular vote, one of the highest totals for a third party candidate in U.S. history, drawing equally from both major candidates, according to exit polls. "'His finest hour? Initial polling showed him trailing his Democratic opponent, Harris County District Attorney Frank Briscoe, but he ultimately won the race with 57 percent of the vote. Former Senator Alan Simpson was one of four people chosen to give a eulogy at former President George H.W. Le 3 novembre 1992, Bill Clinton remporte l'élection présidentielle avec 370 grands électeurs et 43 % du suffrage populaire, l'emportant dans des États dans lesquels était ancré le Parti républicain (Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Montana, Nevada, Nouveau-Mexique, Vermont). He supported the Nixon administration's Vietnam policies, but broke with Republicans on the issue of birth control, which he supported. He was then elected vice president in 1980 and 1984 as Reagan's running mate. Ronald Reagan est réélu pour un second mandat le 6 novembre 1984, remportant 49 États (525 grands électeurs) et 58 % du vote populaire contre un seul État et 41 % du vote populaire à Walter Mondale. [103] Though the race was widely regarded as a close contest for most of the campaign, Reagan ultimately won over the large majority of undecided voters. [7], Bush spent most of his childhood in Greenwich, at the family vacation home in Kennebunkport, Maine,[b] or at his maternal grandparents' plantation in South Carolina. Ultimately, the other four candidates left the stage and the debate continued, but Bush's refusal to debate anyone other than Reagan badly damaged his campaign in New Hampshire. [94] Bush revitalized his campaign with a victory in Massachusetts, but lost the next several primaries. [149] Jack Kemp joined the administration as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, while Elizabeth Dole, the wife of Bob Dole and a former Secretary of Transportation, became the Secretary of Labor under Bush. Mais celui-ci le prend comme colistier aux élections présidentielles de 1980 et 1984, ce qui permet à George Bush d'être vice-président des États-Unis de 1981 à 1989. INTERFERENCE WITH A PERSON ENGAGED IN ONE OF THE 8 ACTIVITIES PROTECTED UNDER THIS BILL MUST BE RACIALLY MOTIVATED TO INCUR THE BILL'S PENALTIES", "Crushing Defeat for the U.S., or A Blessing In Disguise? In addition to lowering tariffs, the proposed treaty would affected patents, copyrights, and trademarks. [64] The position represented Bush's first foray into foreign policy, as well as his first major experiences with the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China, the two major U.S. rivals in the Cold War. [332] Andrew Bacevich judges the Bush administration as “morally obtuse” in the light of its “business-as-usual” attitude towards China after the massacre in Tiananmen Square and its uncritical support of Gorbachev as the Soviet Union disintegrated. "[311], In 1991, The New York Times revealed that Bush was suffering from Graves' disease, a non-contagious thyroid condition that his wife Barbara also suffered from. According to USA Today, the legacy of Bush's presidency was defined by his victory over Iraq after the invasion of Kuwait, and for his presiding over the Dissolution of the Soviet Union and the German reunification. [102] The 1980 general election campaign between Reagan and Carter was conducted amid a multitude of domestic concerns and the ongoing Iran hostage crisis, and Reagan sought to focus the race on Carter's handling of the economy. Bush won re-election to the House unopposed, while Nixon defeated Hubert Humphrey in the presidential election. In December 1992, he granted executive clemency to six former senior government officials implicated in the Iran-Contra scandal, most prominently former Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 1948 with a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in economics and minoring in sociology.