Over time though, as the dust settles we realise that while we still love them, there is still something more to life. Yes well it is a sweet song that leaves one to go the direction one needs to. We've all been there, we've all had relationships where we convince ourselves that we've found everything in this person. But I still haven't found what I'm looking for. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For Lyrics. "you know I believe". Bye! Over time though, as the dust settles we realise that while we still love them, there is still something more to life. This song is about the journey, the struggle, the fight, the lies, the gifts God's provided(praying in tongues is THE KEY whether you believe in it or not it IS the truth)(When Jesus left His final words were that He had to go so The Helper would come and He BREATHED on them and they spoke in an unknown language. I … "I have spoke with eternal angels. alkalinefanon February 21, 2012
U2: Neues Album soll noch vor Weihnachten fertig werden! Die deutsche Übersetzung von I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For und andere U2 Lyrics und Videos findest du kostenlos auf Songtexte.com. Thanks for reading guys. A person who accepts Christ and the forgiveness he offers is Born Again. My Theology class at school listened to this song when we were discussing what we are looking for in life. He's RIGHT THERE. First, ” I have spoke with the tongue of angels,I have held the hand of a devil, It was warm in the night ,I was cold as a stone”.This line shows his experiences.He might have been likely to lose his faith in GOD. All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. })(); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This song is about the search for spiritual fulfillment and the conflict between knowing that God exists and the desire for earthly things. While you can find happiness in other people, you'll never feel complete if you're not doing what you love. Your the one trying to comfort your beliefs. Are you kidding me? I think this song came from BONO's faithful heart. Thomas (Mugel) i think it's simple.. they shoot this film in vegas,,it's about gambling but what is masterfull is you can apply this song to love,relationships,etc.. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only. The Book of ACTS, Chapter 2) the song is about GOD. Sometimes it's really
I think this song came from BONO's faithful heart.Sometimes it's really defficult to be sure that God exists because we are too weak alone.However,we need to keep looking for the signal showing what is God.This is what this song's title means.For nonchristian people,this song might sound like a love song.Especialy, when it says "only to be with you",they might think this means that I want to be with my girlfrined or boyfriend.However,it means they want to be with God and Jesus Christ.But also,I think it can mean that they want to take their dearest one to the God's country.Anyway,it's a beautiful song. You are without doubt ignorant of what U2 stands for. This entire song is ABOUT getting to the top of material posession and still wanting more (God). I have held the hand of the devil. At any rate... Ive climbed a mountain - literally to get close to heaven and torn down walls within me to "get real" and be free to receive. There is an answer but only you can find it and the answer comes in many different forms. While you can find happiness in other people, you'll never feel complete if you're not doing what you love. sound like a love song. I believe in the kingdom come Then all the colours will bleed into one Bleed into one But yes, I'm still running. We will be in a place (Heaven) where there is no more wars, poverty, crime, no more pain and suffering, etc. We've all been there, we've all had relationships where we convince ourselves that we've found everything in this person. I think it's basically about going through life searching for the one thing that will fill the hole in your heart, but because you have sought it in the wrong places i.e. We made some interpertations that I thought were really good. ALL THE TIME. However,we need to keep looking for the signal showing WHAT GOD IS.This
It's about sin, the mistakes we make because, even though we know God is there, it's not enough -- because we are weak and fall to temptation. Tried to support his beliefs? Whitney Houston sang „I Will Always Love ...“? God has been playing me this song for the last 3 years and I never understood what He was trying to convey until tonight. you're part of the falling world. "I have held the hand of the devil, it was warm in the night, I was cold as a stone...."...basically looking everywhere except to God. It's not about disbelief in God at all. }; Ina Müller - Ich halt die Luft an Songtext, Purple Disco Machine & Sophie and the Giants - Hypnotized Songtext, Jason Derulo & Nuka - Love Not War (The Tampa Beat) Songtext. I was cold as a stone." He even says that sometimes you believe Jesus died for you but you are still struggling with your faith "..carried the cross of my shame..you know I believe it..but I still haven't found what I'm looking for." am 6. Juni 2009, 9:46. We were DESIGNED to commune with The Father. artist: "U2", You broke the bonds And you loosed the chains Carried the cross of my shame Oh my shame, you know I believe it. BONO is a freeking CHRISTIAN! But I still haven't found What I'm looking for. Writer(s): Clayton Adam, Evans David, Hewson Paul David, Mullen Laurence This is a common theme in U2's lyrics. Especially, when it says "only to be with you",
It is an acknowledgement by the composer that he has fallen to the temptation of sin, but believes that Christ has released him from these chains. U2 enthüllen neuen Song "Invisible" in Super Bowl Werbung! I think this line is very strong.He believes in GOD and also,he is sure any bloody situation can be disappeared thanks to GOD. by practising on the sermon on the mount, Gandhi chased the entire English colony out from his country. Once you have had the earthly things there is still a stronger need that only gets stronger the older you get.