It will take you less than 5 minutes to create some IG highlight covers for your page, so go ahead and get started today with Snappa! Another point to add is that they keep their categories simple with one word cover names. From your photo library, you can pick the Instagram cover highlight that you’ve created in Snappa. Just tap on the “Background” icon on the left of your screen to see your choices. They can give you great insight on your audience, but more importantly they help your audience stay engaged with your brand! Now, when you create a Highlight Cover Story, you just need to hit up “Edit Cover” as you go through the creation process and select the image you’ve designed. Highlights are essentially Stories that you save instead of letting them expire after 24 hours. You can choose which file format to download the highlight cover in and from there you can upload it into Instagram. Using your Instagram story highlights, you can divide your archived stories into different categories, while having the flexibility to choose which stories you would like to display for profile visitors to see. This is similar to the Instagram profile picture size and uploads very similarly as well. From here, you can rearrange the cover image, rename the highlight, or even add other photos to the highlight from your Instagram archives. With the introduction of IG story highlights, your Instagram stories can be viewed after 24 hours of being posted. When creating IG story covers, you aren’t limited to just using flat icons. You can select one to be the basis of your Highlight Cover. Once you click on a category (in our example, “cakes and baking”), you’ll see further template options along the same theme. In order to do this, you will want to navigate to your Instagram story highlight and click on the bottom right of the story. Instagram is arguably the largest and most engaging social platform right now. Share them in the comments below! Next you need to add your image to Instagram. You know exactly what you’re getting into just by looking at the story cover. If that’s not quite enough for you, here’s one of our favorite, easy-to-use options for making Instagram Highlight Covers. One option is to use an app like Darkroom or VSCO to create a custom filter to overlay on top of all your Highlight cover photos. In this post, I will be giving you an in-depth guide on how to properly use Instagram story highlights and a tutorial on how to create free Instagram highlight covers to attract more visitors to your IG feed! I’m a creator too and I thought to help others. To further entice people to view your Highlights reel, an eye-catching cover image is essential. Once again, the story highlight needs to be a previous Instagram story that was posted on your profile. There is also the ability to add your own image to a Canva background or template. And if you really want to take things to the next level, you can include Instagram Highlight Covers to really beautify your brand. The second way you can add an Instagram story highlight is by viewing a story that you posted and clicking on the bottom right of the screen where there’s a heart icon that says “highlight” underneath. Canva offers a great selection of free templates that are organized by category. Here’s a video tutorial we made! After choosing a few Highlights, head back to your profile page–you will see the chosen Highlights sitting next to the “New” icon now. This is quite close to the scale of the Instagram profile and the posting. Trump tweets false stat about how many people watched Biden’s Thanksgiving address, As #DiaperDon trends, Trump calls for Section 230 to be revoked over ‘national security’. IG highlights give you an opportunity to share what you wouldn’t normally show on your feed. Your last option is to use one of Canva’s free stock photos. The first way you can add an Instagram story highlight is to click on the large “+” sign on your profile page. An Instagram highlight cover is pretty simple to make and you don’t need to be a professional graphic designer in order to create nice Instagram highlight covers for your profile. About the author: Nick Le is the marketing manager at Snappa. Step 3: Once you’ve figured out the background of your highlight cover, you can add an Instagram story highlight icon. Sep 24, 2020 - Instagram has made it easier to give your profile a “portfolio-like” feel.