Tony Stark † Destroyed It was presumed that the armor was tested a number of times before it was fully functional and ready for combat. Status: Iron Man Armor: Mark XXII Users: Armor Data: Fai una donazione con . Gone are the days when you have to sacrifice power, action, durability and quality for the sake of having a portable rod you can fit in your carry on luggage. Versatility Special Power: Frost Charge 1. Mark Number: ", which echoes out through all of the suits, including the Mark XXII. 1.0. Mark XXIII. It can flexibly open itself to allow Tony to enter into the suit and automatically wrap itself around him, anywhere at anytime, much like the Mark XLII's technology and the other newly built Mark suits'. The armor is later controlled by JARVIS to aid Tony in his rescue for Pepper. Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. After, Tony orders JARVIS to "Target all Extremis heat signatures. If you are an Iron Man fans, don’t pass up the chance to add this special armor to your House Party Protocol! Successor: Unlike the first and second versions of the War Machine armor, the Hot Rod armor had no external weapons, but still contained repulsors and a rectangular Unibeam. J.A.R.V.I.S. Predecessor: It was featured in Iron Man 3, and made its debut when Tony ordered J.A.R.V.I.S. In the midst of the battle, it can be briefly see blasting and fighting soldiers on the backgroune. Black With Silver PlatesHotrod Design After completing the armor, Stark stored it in the Hall of Armors Extension beneath his Malibu House, where all the other previous Iron Man Armors he completed were stored in as well. Latest Thruster DesignHot Rod DesignLight Weight Continuity: However, it did have the signature repulsors and a micro-cannons on each of its gauntlets. After the Mark XXI's completion, Stark wanted to create a new armor for his best friend James Rhodes, and began working on the prototype, the Mark XXII. Because of this, Stark began working on the Iron Legion, and through its development, created several Iron Man Armors, from the Mark VIII to the Mark XXII, all built with various designs and purposes. Disable with extreme prejudice. If you are an Iron Man fans, don’t pass up the chance to add this special armor to your House Party Protocol! Armor Features: Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 2012 By jr59. A maximum of 12 IMAGES ONLY can be displayed in this Page's Gallery.If you wish to Add More Images on the topic or View the Full Gallery of the page, click here. This armor is a very basic version of the War Machine Armor: Mark II, and featured technology comparable with that of the Mark V and Mark VII. He fixes the engine and asks help from JARVIS in fixing it, which JARVIS shows Tony a scenario of how the engine explodes. Affiliations: Game Preceded By: Iron Man 3 Tony Stark †J.A.R.V.I.S. to initiate the "House Party Protocol", in which it was activated along with the rest of the Iron Legion to aid Tony in his battle against Aldrich Killian. ", which JARVIS replies to with "Yes sir! Special Features: Mark XXII The suit flew up to the platform of Tony's location, and just as Tony was about to jump into the suit, an Extremis Soldier vaulted a yellow metal pole from one of the oil rig's rails, straight through it. It later appeared when Stark asked for a suit, but was hit by a pole and pinned to a wall by an Extremis soldier before Stark could wear it. Scarica Condividi. Destroyed Weapons: Armor Chronology: The Mark XXII was used by Tony Stark in the Battle on the Norco against Aldrich Killian's Extremis soldiers. It later appears when Stark asks for a suit but was hit by a pole and pinned to a wall by an Extremis soldier before Stark could wear it. It was later destroyed by the Clean Slate Protocol.[1]. Marvel's Iron Man 3 - JARVIS: A Second Screen Experience. Iron Man Hot Rod[Add-On Ped] source it' s my iron patriot model retexture Hot Rod, texture by H1Vltg3 & wapeddell The 19321 Ford Flathead Roadster, also known as the "Hotrod" is a classic car in the collection Tony Stark maintained in his Mansion. Marvel Cinematics Universe (Earth-199999)