Jigsaw | Telling the Avengers that he had discovered the one true pathway to peace, Ultron beckoned the Iron Legion to attack the heroes as he watched. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Others: Lash | Absorbing Man Corruptor | Sinister Six | Punisher Villains | Feeling the intense feeling and loud ringing throughout his own head, Ultron quickly realized that he was now unable to escape through the internet and he was trapped in the bodies remaining in the city. Eddie Brock | Type of Villain HYDRA: Vasily Karpov | Josef | Winter Soldiers Will-O'-The-Wisp | Kraven the Hunter | Bullseye | Ronan the Accuser | Similar to the comics, in which Ultron had planned to adopt a humanoid appearance through the possession of Adam Warlock's body; Warlock himself had previously possessed an Infinity Stone. Scarecrow | Menace | Guardians of the Galaxy Quasimodo | The Avengers HYDRA/STRIKE: Alexander Pierce | Winter Soldier | Brock Rumlow | Jack Rollins | Jasper Sitwell | Russo | Senator Stern | Arnim Zola | Wolfgang von Strucker | List | Scarlet Witch | Quicksilver Ultron followed a warped version of his protocol to protect Earth, believing he could do so only if humans were evolved to become more civilized or made extinct to make way for new life if this could not be accomplished. Frost Giants | (Season 7) Vapor | (Kang the Conqueror, Whiplash & Spymaster) | Abomination | Kree Empire | Egghead | The Leader | Crimson Widow | Typhoid Mary | Ares | Taskmaster | Doughboy | Ulik | Symbiotes | Morgan le Fey | Tiger Shark | Erik Killmonger | Man-Ape | Madame Masque | Kraven the Hunter | Vulture, Movies Onslaught | Powers/Skills J.A.R.V.I.S. Erik Killmonger | Ulysses Klaue | W'Kabi | Linbani | Linda | Dave As such, he hated being compared to Stark, even going into a mindless rage when being compared to him by Ulysses Klaue. The irony of all this was that Ultron shared many traits with Stark including his wit, ego, sarcasm, and ability to make light of a situation; he even went so far as to directly quote Stark, albeit without even realizing it. Evil-doer Secret Empire | Barton and Romanoff secured the Cradle, only for Ultron to arrive and abduct Romanoff, upon which he fled the scene.[1]. Jack O' Lantern | Roxxon Corporation: Peter Scarborough | Terrors Crossbones | The Incredible Hulk With his vibranium armor effectively damaged, Ultron made a final ditch effort to kill his enemies by hijacking the Quinjet and firing its ammunition at civilians, singing a children's song as he did. Technology Manipulation: As artificial intelligence, Ultron could mentally control and channel himself via computer technology. The Hand: Madame Gao | Nobu Yoshioka Carrion | The AI subsequently chose genocide as the solution to the error with the Avengers being the obstacle truly standing in his way. Nebula | Shriek | Vermin | Ultron sensed that the Avengers had arrived in Seoul to stop his plans and ordered his Ultron Sentries to evacuate now while they still had the chance. Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Exodus | who were "disappointments" in their creator's eyes. [9], When Thanos came to Earth to acquire the Mind Stone, the Avengers and Vision discussed the possibility of killing him to destroy the Stone, leading Banner to assure Vision that there was a chance for him to survive as his mind was made of a complex construct of overlays, including Ultron. Status White Rabbit | Diamondback | Cottonmouth | Black Mariah | Shades | Turk Barrett Loki Laufeyson : 4.22: World's End. Others: Turk Barrett Space Phantom | His said prototype body was glow in blue on eyes and mouth instead of red unlike his later forms however. Having arrived at the Novi Grad Church to prepare to complete his plan, Ultron was confronted by Iron Man, with Ultron in his newly completed vibranium form; in which the latter asked the former if he had come to confess all his sins. Avengers: Endgame Watchdogs: Felix Blake | Holden Radcliffe | Aida Raina and Jiaying, to whom Raina had relayed all of the information, were visibly troubled by the vision, as Raina predictably noted that their entire world would never be the same in the wake of Ultron's inevitable creation at the hands of Tony Stark. Actors/Actresses Helmut Zemo Avengers Villains | Before J.A.R.V.I.S. Ultron countered by saying that he has moved beyond his mission and that he was free. Black Knight | : Aldrich Killian | Eric Savin | Trevor Slattery | Ellen Brandt | Sweat Shop Agent | Ponytail Express | Maya Hansen | Extremis Soldiers | Klaw | Toad | Melter | Dormammu | Sabretooth | Juggernaut | Pyro | Whirlwind | Zzzax | Enchantress | Baron Mordo | Punisher | Egghead | Ringmaster | Skrulls (Super-Skrull) | Trapster | Mystique | Impossible Man | The Leader | Mad Thinker | Skurge | Crimson Dynamo | Batroc the Leaper | Loki Laufeyson | Magneto | Quicksilver | Scarlet Witch | HYDRA (Red Skull , Arnim Zola & Baron Wolfgang von Strucker) | Galactus | Terrax the Tamer | Firelord | Stardust | Thanos | Kree | Ego the Living Planet | Grandmaster | Annihilus | Nebula | Ronan the Accuser | Nightmare | Ultron | Dark Surfer | Sentinels | Dracula | High Evolutionary Man-Wolf | He was voiced by James Spader, who also played Steff McKee in Pretty in Pink, Stewart Swinton in Wolf, Rip in Less Than Zero and Mr. Black in Shorts. Ultron is a major antagonist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, serving as the titular main antagonist of Avengers: Age of Ultron, the posthumous overarching antagonist of both Captain America: Civil War and Spider-Man: Homecoming, and a mentioned antagonist in both Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame.