Spawning []. Hello, i have 16 watchstones aquired so far and 2 regions of my atlas are influenced since 2 days. Guardians only spawn in ocean monuments, which themselves only spawn in deep ocean biomes. I also noticed that if I run guardian maps, uber elder spawns extremely fast in comparison to spamming low tier maps to spawn elder influence on tier 3 maps. They can spawn from Act 6 onwards. I haven't seen anything else out of the ordinary with mob spawning–in fact, I had come across a spider spawner in a Mesa not 20 minutes before that wasn't spawning anything, just like it should be doing in peaceful. Zones with a watchstone will not spawn an elderslayer if you run the low bank maps in the zone. They can be encountered by touching a Timeless Monolith, which breaks out the Legions and gives the player a window of time to defeat them. They have a 10% chance to spawn in each of these instances. You can choose to not spawn elder, and keep farming the guardians, or do uber elder for a chance to gain much currency. Elder is really bugged when it comes to shaped maps. I get stuck for like 20 maps too. I have gotten 1 to appear in a map in the bottom right once, but … The quest then told me to fight the elder slayers again. It has 4 watchstones. Anyone can help? Consistently run the map bank agnate to what it says on the Atlas that is bare to spawn an elderslayer, and buy POE currency find us on google, so easy, just search " MMOExp POE Currency ", thank you . Not able to spawn elderslayers anymore. Abysses start spawning in acts Act 6 and onwards and in maps. My Valdo's Rest is currently influenced by Baran. I have not taken it off of peaceful. Ripped out of the Awakener fight. Atlas is fully awakened. After spawning the influence I often get stuck and the Elderslayer does not show up anymore when you need to track them down. Just elderslayers receive spawn chance after first Sirius. I ran it, there was no elder goo on the map, but the boss was still replaced by the guardian. Abysses are marked on the minimap with a green icon . Last bumped on … A player fighting two combatting legions. It happened right after first Sirius spawn. Upon walking over an Abyss, a crack will form on the ground, and a … I killed it, but nothing happened, it was still marked on the map. Aaaand it was not a bug. I had elder guardian spawn in Shaped Plateau, but I only had the regular version. After obtaining all 32 watchstones I have not been able to spawn an elderslayer. It is also a single player world, and the chunks with the elder guardian were newly generated. Running a lower Tier map (sometimes white, sometimes yellow) usually resolves the issue, but it just takes so much longer this way : Guardians spawn in water blocks within a 58×24×58 volume defined horizontally by the base of the monument and vertically from the floor level of the monument (usually, if not always Y=39) up to just above the decorative structure at the top (usually, if not always Y=61). I was changing regions and switching watchstones. Keep running guardian maps until uber elder spawns. Abyss Abysses are interactable objects in instances which spawns cracks and pits that spawn monsters. I managed to spawn one and now it has influence at Valdo's Rest but no matter how many maps I do in the zone it will not spawn the elder slayer. Legions are ancient armies frozen in the midst of battle. 1 Overview 2 Items 2.1 Splinters 2.2 Emblems 3 Legions 4 Version history Players can find a Legion by interacting with a Timeless Monolith. They have spawn chance but its probably capped at 10 maps in a row or so. In Sovngarde, Alduin has ensnared the land with an evil mist and consumes the souls of the lost to gather his power. I ran every map multiple times (well over 50 maps) but it seems i am not able to spawn them anymore. It feels like u have to run same region again and again. Dragonslayer is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim in which the Dragonborn must finally battle and defeat Alduin.