Lots of random imagery follows, like upside down crosses dripping blood and other things designed to inflame and impassion the young disaffected metal head that would find himself at a Rammstein show. Dezember Feuer und Flamme sein, wenn Rammstein nach elf Jahren Abstinenz in die Staaten zurückkehren. Rammstein isn’t going to change the world. Obviously, I hope they continue to include the US when setting their tour dates, but I also completely understand why they’re reticent to do so. The flamethrowers in the stage and mounted on the lights really get a workout. We’re talking a good ten feet as far as the length of the flame is concerned. It still doesn’t make me actually like the song, but it’s still quite the image. “Du Riechst So Gut” brings us back to the band’s first ever single from Herzeleid, as the stage is awash in green, but otherwise bereft of pyro during the fan favorite. Während die Pyro-Rocker den Madison Square Garden flambieren, geht Katja Riemann mit Rammstein-Songs auf Deutschland-Tour. Berlin (snr) - Der Madison Square Garden in New York wird am 11. Obviously, not being in the pit makes this section of the show a bit less interactive, but it’s a good sign, considering the other three Rammstein shows I went to did not include the crowd surfing stunt. The lights dim after half an hour, and the crowd can barely contain itself. (image source) December 11, 2010 was an important day indeed for industrial music fans in America. Soon enough, a bright red spark ignited the center of the curtain, slowly traveling along an established path creating the unmistakable shape of a door. He runs around for a while, stagehands trying to put him out, until he finally collapses in a cloud of fire extinguisher agent. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Combichrist is what Nine Inch Nails would or could have been if Trent Reznor hadn’t been so obsessed with synth pop and Ministry. “Links 2 3 4” gives the crowd another sort of rest from the pyro, featuring a nice explosion on the first major downbeat of the song and not too much else. Til Lindemann kicks his way through the opening to the delight of the crowd, as the opening strings of “Rammlied” waft out from Flake Lorenz’ keyboard rig hidden behind the black. Luckily, most of the actual subject matter of the songs themselves tends to be somewhat interchangeable (especially for an American audience with every song in German), and the music is obviously well suited to the pomp. Still, it was an incredible show, and anyone who has the opportunity to see this band live should not miss it. Their music, while not heavy in the classical crunchy guitars sense of the word, is certainly aggressive. It’s easy to tell that quite a few of the spectators had never seen a Rammstein show, and possibly thought they never would unless they chose to leave the country in order to do so. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. The unmistakable keyboard opening of “Du Hast” leads to more fire, first in the shape of the crossbow that shoots fireworks out above the crowd that the band’s been using for fifteen years now, followed by more instances of the giant stage flamethrowers. Während die Pyro-Rocker den Madison Square Garden flambieren, geht Katja Riemann mit Rammstein-Songs auf Deutschland-Tour. Flake went for the ride this time, jubilantly rowing his way through the pit as they passed him along. Rammstein, arguably one of the most successful industrial metal bands of the past fifteen years, returned after nine years without playing a single concert on US soil for a one time only show at Madison Square Garden. It’s about the people who bused, drove, flew, trained, and traveled in droves to come to New York just to see them. As the lights dim, Flake emerges in a glittering jumpsuit, dancing his way across the stage until he returns to his synth rig. Rammstein provozieren immer mal wieder und immer gerne. Rammstein: US-Konzert ruckzuck ausverkauft vom 12. Change ). It’s just not a good song. Most of the footage was recorded at the Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on December 9, 2010. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. December 11, 2010 was an important day indeed for industrial music fans in America. The music isn’t particularly emotional in the normal sense, but there is no doubt in the dedication of those present at the show. But there’s a certain Weimar Republic-era Cabaret feel to the proceedings. ( Log Out / He’s ready for war, and the way her screams into the microphone, doubling over in painful passion makes you sit up and take notice. Erst im Juli spielte die Band vor 130.000 Fans auf dem Summer City Festival im kanadischen Quebec. Gestern spielten die Berliner im Rahmen ihrer aktuellen Europatour erstmals in Deutschland. It’s fucking RAMMSTEIN, and despite the silliness, it works. I have moved my writing and reviews to a new site, and am no longer updating this blog. Seats were in the second level of the bowl, the 300 level halfway down the stage right side of the arena. It really shouldn’t come as a surprise when the chorus hits and the wings are revealed to also be flamethrowers. This time, the stops consist of a giant cannon set up on a dolly between the stage and the pit, unmistakably colored to look like a giant cock. Many terrible opening acts have taken up stage space and time without deserving it. Die Schauspielerin ist zur Zeit mit dem Berliner Gitarristen Arne Jansen und ihrem Programm "Friedensreich" unterwegs. Probably purposefully, the ambient music emanating from behind the black curtain covering the stage seemed to last an eternity, as the crowd got louder and louder. Katja Riemann wird 1963 als jüngstes von drei Kindern in Kirchweyhe bei Bremen geboren. It required a bit of creative transportation, but I made the trek down to New York City to take in the show that sold out blisteringly quickly. That doesn’t stop the crowd from loving it, and the band from pulling out all the stops. Rammstein, arguably one of the most successful industrial metal bands of the past fifteen years, returned after nine years without playing a single concert on US soil for a one time only show at Madison Square Garden. What is heavy, what makes them not out of place opening for a band like Rammstein, is the double barreled drumming attack from two kits on either side of the stage. Only 20 minutes into the pre-sale, Madison Square Garden, New York announces: Sold out! Our questions were soon answered by the electronic pulse of “Sonne,” which makes perfect sense in retrospect. Everything happens the same way every night, this is true. While it was never as big of a mainstream song as “Du Hast,” “Engel” is still the iconic song of that album for most fans of the band. It’s a dangerous proposition, as the 15-20 semi trucks they need to bring with them to every show makes for pretty slim overheads. What follows ends up being the only song from Reise Reise of the evening, as the signature vertical air jets of “Keine Lust” shoot forth from below the stage as much headbanging commences. Lead singer and Combichrist founder Andy LaPlegua stalkes to stage, resplendent in Mad Max finery and a platinum silver Mohawk. mein gitt, ihr habt doch echt einen an der pfanne, für wie wichtig haltet ihr euch und eure meinung über total unwichtige mainstrembands. I mean, what else could we possibly expect? They know it’s theater. Germans and Americans alike chattered anxiously as people were let in in slow increments. Till is dressed up in red ruffles and appears to have swallowed a light bulb; every time he opens his mouth, you can see the inside of his mouth lit up (presumably with some kind of LED thing inside his cheek?). Here’s the funny thing about Rammstein live, that I find to generally be both a cool thing and a detriment at the same time; the props and the fire and the explosions tend to overshadow the songs themselves, but not in a way that is completely destructive. Gemeinsam lesen sie Texte der Schweizer Autorin Sibylle Berg und spielen Lieder von Rammstein.