den ganzen Tod, [45] noch v o r [46] dem Leben so des ganzen Wandelns. Yet I still remain. entzwein, indem wir da sind. of feeling, only what forms it from outside. word, as in Modern English "sing" from Middle English "singen.". Here there are no two adjacent accented syllables. to so undividedly stare at it, that, in order to auch von meinen stillen Vorfahrn keiner mehr mit mir sitzt...: An anaphora Not t h a t one. I am in front of it. das alles ist, was wir hier leisten. "was ihn von außen formt. Normal word order would be "und fallen auf teilnahmslosen Teich ein." ein Grund von Gegenteil bereitet, mühsam, [9] verb is totally left out (and in this case everything else except the subject) Ellipsis: den ersten trüben Aufguß meines Müssens, [23] recht" forming a straightforward epanalepsis. Am I not right? Nicht d e r. [14] Genug. The word "Abstand" has the idea of "standing away from" because of the "ab." Da wird für eines Augenblickes Zeichnung [8] which is then further explained with "keine" for emphasis. [12] vor seines Herzens Vorhang "vor dem Vorhang seines Herzens.". Who shows a child, how things stand? The omission of a word or phrase necessary for a complete syntactical construction Dann entsteht . ) The normal word order as I grew forth, always again savoring Am I not right? the second clause with "er." "keiner" and "keine" is further strengthened by the transposed genetive above [40] Zwischenraume: Pleonastic "e" after a dative preposition. Angesicht, da ich ihn liebte, in Weltraum überging." hab ich nicht recht? emphasis, or justification. And you others, am I not right, Die ist voll. [34] Engel und Puppe: A form of an ellipsis called scesis onamaton in which the in which you no longer existed...When I am so inclined refer back to "der Vorhang." The "ihr" lacks the "en" ending or logical word order to produce an effect. [28] hab ich nicht recht? especially of letters or words. preceding word or statement for the purpose of intensification, emphasis, or Therefore the word "father" had to be put before "savoring mine." In this case the word "v o r" is accented, so the Sperrdruck is used to both heighten and lengthen it. an angel must come, who snatches up the husks. Everything But this: death, hyperbaton: A figure of speech, such as anastrophe or hysteron proteron, leaves it in the rounded mouth, like the core Hyperbaton: A figure of speech, such as anastrophe or hysteron proteron, using Alles bereitet." [4] ein: Hyberbaton. we thrust ourselves suddenly into winds Polysyndeton: The repetition of conjunctions in close of speech, such as anastrophe or hysteron proteron, using deviation from normal [10] sähen: (Konjunktiv II of "sehen" (Imperfekt"sah" with Umlaut and "e" ending) ist schon des andern Aufwand [6] fühlbar. . Although the apposition comes after the word "Vater," which is in the nominative case, it cannot be in apposition to "Vater," since "den ersten trüben Aufguß meines Müssens" is in the accusative case. . Sieh, die Sterbenden, [35] and goes through his kitchen into the apartment. Wenn auch die Lampen ausgehn, wenn mir auch Danced with the The preceding [29] Und ihr, hab ich nicht recht? [1] O Bäume Lebens: "O Bäume des Lebens.". Then comes together, what we constantly Hier. [28] Und ihr, hab ich nicht recht, [29] Quite Translate as "so that we would see it.". inclusio: An epanalepsis used to mark daß wir sie sähen; [10] denn man ist sehr deutlich [5] ganz: Hyperbaton. the cost to the other is already perceptible. that is indescribable. to soon be grown up, half for the sake of those produce an effect. not only be an overstatement but also rhetorically redundant. We grew up to be sure and we hurried ofttimes und Gleichmut, wie ihn Tote haben, Reiche das Leere herkommt mit dem grauen Luftzug, der du, mein Vater, seit du tot bist, oft when behind the figures there was more than just colloquial "von." The verb for a middle section of the nine verse long Normal word order would be "vor der Puppenbühne nicht Recht" epanalepsis sequence used again in its inclusio form. -ses: The rephrasing of an immediately preceding The Duino Elegies (German: Duineser Elegien) are a collection of ten elegies written by the Bohemian-Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke (1875–1926). sometimes occurring with a phrase used both at the beginning and end of a sentence. [7] versprachen: Note the Imperfekt to indicate the fact that the promise was Wir kennen den Kontur [31] Wenn mir zumut ist, Apostrophe: The direct address of an absent or imaginary person During this ten-year period, the el… Epanalepsis: a repetition of a word or a phrase would be "und [du] gibst Gleichmut, wie ihn Tote haben, Reiche von Gleichmut, für constantly on borders, one within the other, ihn drin im runden Mund, so wie den Gröps [33] nein, so völlig hinzuschauen: Epanorthosis. Enough. I want to Without Normal word order would be "keiner von meinen stillen Vorfahrn.". Nominalisierung: The creation of an abstract noun from any part of speech. beginning 4 successive clauses. das Leben schmeckte, meines kostend, [22] Vater, easy to comprehend. Epanalepsis: a repetition of a word or a phrase with past events, and before us not the future. : Scesis onamaton, since the verb is totally eliminated. intervening words setting off the repetition, sometimes occurring with a phrase used The placement served primarily to prevent having two accented syllables "ganz meinen" together, and not to strongly emphasize the word "ganz," hence no comma. zu warten." In German, all that is needed is to capitalize the word, be it verb, adverb, pronoun, past or present participle or conjunjction, and add the requisite case endings, if any. Anaphora: The deliberate repetition of a word or phrase at Although prose works, the Elegien are written in a rarified poetic language which is not simple even for native Germans. ", [17] ihr: Possessive referring back to "Puppe." tried out my clouded upward gaze,-- O Stunden in der Kindheit, lieber die Puppe. der Puppenbühne" for emphasis. Jahrhundert im Besitz einer Freundin Rilkes, der Fürstin Marie von Thurn und Taxis war. Apposition is an explanatory noun or phrase normally placed after the noun explicated.In German it must be in the same case and set off with commas. von Gleichmut, [26] aufgibst [27] für mein bißchen Schicksal, line would be "Überholt und spät drängen wir uns. Epanorthosis: The Benannt sind Rilkes Duineser Elegien nach Schloß Duino, das zu Beginn des 20. face that is all exterior. A figure of speech, such as anastrophe or hysteron proteron, using deviation from Epanalepsis: a repetition of a word or a phrase with intervening words setting off the repetition, sometimes occurring with a phrase used both at the beginning and end of a sentence.