Tiny Desk Concerts (kurz Tiny Desk; englisch winziger Schreibtisch) ist ein Podcast des US-Hörfunknetzwerks NPR.Das seit 2008 produzierte Format umfasst akustische Konzerte von Musikern verschiedener Stilrichtungen, die jeweils am Schreibtisch des Radiomoderators Bob Boilen (All Songs Considered) am NPR-Sitz in Washington, D.C. aufgenommen werden. Ten years after his first Tiny Desk concert, ... Phony Ppl has a way of effortlessly blending sounds of neo-soul, jazz, funk and R&B. The first Tiny Desk Concert came about in 2008 after Boilen and NPR Music editor Stephen Thompson left a bar show frustrated that they couldn't hear the music over the crowd noise. Die rund 15 Minuten langen … Funk music legend George Clinton stopped by NPR’s Tiny Desk concert series with The P-Funk All Stars recdently to perform a three-song setlist of classic funk hits.. History. Thompson joked that the musician, folk singer Laura Gibson, should just perform at Boilen's desk.A month later Boilen arranged for her to do just that, making an impromptu recording and posting it online. Since the launch of the Tiny Desk concert series in 2008, more than 900 performances have been recorded at the Tiny Desk — Bob Boilen’s festive workspace at NPR headquarters — which is adorned with years of music mementos and memorabilia. Hear Wilco, Adele, Passion Pit, Tinariwen, Miguel, The xx and many more. A video version is also available. Tiny Desk Concerts from NPR Music feature your favorite musicians performing at All Songs Considered host Bob Boilen's desk in the NPR office. This is the audio version of the podcast.