Spawns at the starting level of the enemies in the current mission, plus five levels. Fixed enemies in the Simulacrum not recovering from Stomp cast by a Rhino Specter. Specters can be customized with any Warframes and weapons that the player owns, allowing for a wide range of versatility in Specter loadouts. Likely tied to Inaros' passive ability. Phase Specters have a silver energy glow. behind a container or at the corner of the hallway. They are already using their powers it just that it's mostly their 1st or 2nd, that they use. The Cosmic Specter (or Platinum Specter) blueprint is rewarded from Hard and Nightmare difficulty Rescue missions, and yields a single Specter usage per build. They can be summoned via consumable Gear wheel items in all Missions except Archwing and Sanctuary Onslaught. This allows Specters to be spawned at a desired spot by throwing the ball to that location. The Force Specter (or Gold Specter) blueprint is rewarded from Medium, Hard, and Nightmare difficulty Rescue missions, and yields 3 Specter uses per build. Fixed an issue with Wisp Specters being unable to cast any abilities - Sol Gate is still unusable for now. I see my Specter covered in Iron Skin pretty much all the time. Brought a Valkyr with a Tigris into the Pacifism Defect, and the level 70 specter was still 1-hit killing level 150 Ancient Healers through their 90% damage reduction. The stats are better is all I have seen so far with the more resource intensive specters. they use them, but only once, they need to have abilities on cooldown timer like sentinels. RhinoCharge: Strength: 150 / 250 / 450 / 650: Energy: Rhino charges towards a target, clobbering any in his path and goring his victim. Im soo tempted to put my 5 forma'd Straith into a specter just to see, how good the aim of the specters is, since if that thing gets a solid hit then it kills its target deploying that to rails would annoy people to no end. These Specters act autonomously from the player, and can provide support by engaging enemies with their weapons and Warframe powers. Before a Specter building begins, a Specter loadout screen appears where a player must first set the Warframe and loadout that the Specter will use. Thus you might prefer to give them long-range heavy hitters such as whips, polearms, and heavy blades. Statistics For a comprehensive user tested guide, see here. The Warframe and equipment stats plus mods are taken into account without the Warframe abilities and it can deal up to 300 damage for 10 seconds. Up to four different loadouts can be saved, one for each Blueprint grade; Vapor, Phase, Force, and Cosmic, from lowest to highest grade. The duration of the specter is affected by the Ability Duration but it will not last very much as other specters do. The Rhino Specter. Tenno Specters are spawned from golden balls. Spawns at the starting level of the enemies in the current mission, plus ten levels. Don't you dare take away my pocket desecreter. Tenno Specters prefer to closely guard you or their assigned position, and rarely move out of close range to take on enemies itself, a specter never chooses to melee the enemies out of range of their melee weapon, even despite having better damage than its rifles, and capability of performing finishers (if they attempt to melee an eligible enemy). Spawns at the starting level of the enemies in the current mission, plus three levels. Fixed a script error when summoning a friendly Saryn Specter. Like the Syndicate Operatives, Specters can be commanded to Hold Position or Follow by interacting with them (X ). Should specters not be allowed to use abilities? Sign up for a new account in our community. This allows them to use otherwise extremely ammo inefficient weapons and reduces the importance of melee. General Tenno Specters don't rely on Energy, instead of utilizing a short cooldown system for their abilities. Lasts indefinitely, until Specter fires an Alarming weapon or until player attacks with any Warframe weapon, even if silenced. Specters can be crafted in the Foundry (under Gear section) and once crafting is finished they must be equipped from Gear in Arsenal.Before a Specter building begins, a Specter loadout screen appears where a player must first set the Warframe and loadout that the Specter will use. The Vapor Specter (or Bronze Specter) blueprint is rewarded from Easy and Medium difficulty Rescue missions, and yields 10 Specter uses per build. Instead, Specters utilize the Warframe and weapon's base unranked statistics then scale them according to the Specter's level. By wait a minute then why do they need a conclave rating DISAPOINTEEDD!!! -Does not steal from enemies. It is possible to revive your Specter if it hasn't bled out yet, though they appear to have a negligible bleedout health limit and often die immediately. Only a single Tenno Specter per player can be active at any time during a mission. Be wary of their powers. This does not apply to their. Should tier of specter not be based on your mastery level rather than your impossible to reach conclave rating? Syndicate weapons will not proc their effects while used by Specters. Attempting to summon a second Specter will result in the previously active Specter being killed when the second one spawns. Fixed Specter’s accuracy with Bows being quite poor and their fire rate not reflecting realistic usage. Xaku is the most recent Warframe that is based on the remains of three unknown Warframes. Cooldown of 13 seconds, starting when Prowl's effect ends.-Casts Artemis Bow when enemy is within 25m. Abilities and Operator attacks do not cancel Specter's Prowl. The most important part about Tenno Specters' weapons is that they are not bound by normal ammo limitations. The Phase Specter (or Silver Specter) blueprint is rewarded from Easy, Medium and Hard difficulty Rescue missions, and yields 5 Specter uses per build. Since Specters will mostly use unmodded primaries, cannot compensate for lengthy travel time, and their DPS will be the weapon you equip, the most useful would be hit-scan, non-crit weapons with decent base damage output. Warframe Specters can act as allies or enemies depending on the circumstances. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. The 22.10 Warframe update hugely increased the AI of Warframe specters so that they can both use weapons better and use their actual Warframe abilities. Throwing the ball on shallow water will make it disappear.