448. This leader is typically someone who, in Jung’s words, has “the least resistance, the least sense of responsibility and … the greatest will to power.”[6] Jung comments that this leader “will let loose everything that is ready to burst forth.”[7] As if offering a prophetic warning, Jung says with complete certainty, “a mass always produces a ‘Leader,’ who infallibly becomes the victim of his own inflated ego-consciousness, as numerous examples in history show.”[8] I think many of us intuit that Trump’s reign is not going to end well – the question becomes: how can we mitigate the damage? As if validating my thought, Jung says, “Inflation magnifies the blind spot of the eye.”[19] His comment makes me think of how our species certainly seems to be suffering from a form of psychic blindness, as if we are wearing blinders and have become myopic in our viewpoint, lacking clear vision. Please visit Paul’s website www.awakeninthedream.com. 454. Neither can old formulas which once had a value be brought into force again. A leader, such as Donald Trump, will invariably appear—in my language, get “dreamed up”—who will express, reflect and, like a lightning rod, amplify these darker forces. 1378. The great doctor of the soul and modern day alchemist C. G. Jung was so far ahead of his time that, more than half a century after his death,[1] he is still barely appreciated. [40] Jung, Civilization in Transition, CW 10, para. I wonder - is Jung just a personification of my own guiding spirit, my inner guru? As if he recognizes what is playing out, Jung says, with the utmost assurance, that what is taking place is “brought about by an upheaval of forces lying dormant in the unconscious.”[2] It is as if darker subterranean powers that have been brewing in the cauldron of the collective unconscious for centuries have been unleashed into our world. Rather than ghostly, his presence seems substantial, actually quite huge, and very warm. I see why so many people have said that he has an unforgettable laugh. [17] In his writings, Jung refers to this madness as a “totalitarian psychosis” (see Jung, The Practice of Psychotherapy, CW 16, para. This Archetype Explains Donald Trump . Totalitarian demons[17] are called forth.”[18], I start thinking how inflation is a form of blindness, as it disables our ability to see clearly and take in reflection from the outside world. Jung refers to Trump as a “theatrical hysteric” (when he says this, I immediately wonder if Jung even knows about the concept of “reality TV”), who is “not strutting about on a small stage,” but, frighteningly, is in charge of the greatest war-making machine that this planet has ever seen. 485. [3] The madness that is playing out in today’s world is, in Jung’s words, “forcing us to pay attention to the psyche and our abysmal unconsciousness of it. He seems to represent a perspective that is other than my own, as if I am dialoguing with a living, autonomous part of myself that knows more than I do. I ask Jung about this, to which he responds, “things only become dangerous when the pathological liar is taken seriously by a wider public. It inevitably dooms itself to calamities that must strike it dead.”[22] His words send a chill down my spine, as once again it feels as if he is describing our current president. Is Trump the outer reflection of this blindness? You can contact Paul at paul@awakeninthedream.com; he looks forward to your reflections. ... Lewandowski and David Bossie’s campaign memoir Let Trump Be Trump, that the current president is a student of Carl Jung. As if anticipating my question, Jung says, “As soon as people get together in masses and submerge the individual, the shadow is mobilized, and as history shows, may even be personified and incarnated.”[9] I remember that Jung defines the shadow as “the inferior part of everybody’s personality,”[10] the darker half of the human totality, what he refers to as humanity’s “own worst danger.”[11] I remember that the word mirror, etymologically speaking, means the “holder of the shadow.” It is as if we have collectively dreamed up Trump to embody—and reflect back to us—our unconscious shadow.